Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More than just an outsider

There will always be the jocks, the cheerleaders, the popular crowd, the nerds, and then them…… the outsiders. To them, no matter what they do, it’s never good enough for others to like them. They have to join forces with other outsiders and become friends with them.
To be on the outside is even more common in cliques. To the typical “outsider,” the people in the cliques are perfect. Take one look into to lives of the popular crowd or the cheerleaders. It isn’t all perfect. Someone in the popular crowd never meets the standards of the others. Same goes for cheerleaders. Cheerleaders always feel they have to strive to be the prettiest, because they are being looked upon all the time and being judged. There is always going to be someone who likes different music than you do or different clothes. Just because it’s not what you wear, it doesn’t make them any less important than you.
There are going to be outsiders in every group. They either don’t have the right looks or they like something the popular crowd doesn’t. An outsider can even be someone that is liked, but isn’t let in to all the details and is probably talked about behind his/her back. While it seems to the outside horrible not to be liked, in reality the outsiders are the ones that stand out. They are the ones that once people see who they really are, they will get to know them. People will eventually see the “insiders” for who they are and pick the “outsiders” over them.


  1. Kenz,
    I think everyone of us has been an outsider at one point. It really does stink. Really good post.


  2. Kenzie, I just want to say that you are an OUTSTANDING writer, more outstanding than anyone else I know :) haha

    But for real, this is really sad because it's true. I can definitely relate to the whole cheerleader thing.

  3. iv always thought that the people who stand out are the ones that are the most interesting, the people in these cliques i dont really care for.

  4. this is really good kenz :)
    i've been thinking about this kinda stuff lately.
    most people think i'm weird because i don't dress the same way and listen to the same music everybody else does.

    but in the end the people that stood out are gonna be remembered not the ones that blended in.

  5. MACKenzie,
    First I just wanted to clarify your name and second...pretty darn good post! And isn't there a movie called the Outsider...maybe not oh well.

  6. great blog babe! everyone can relate to this && its very true. but, don't listen to others opinions on whether you're in or not b/c God's opinion of you is all that matters

  7. cliques are definitely not what's up.
    Good points.

  8. Mackenzie,
    I agree with you. Unfortunately teenagers sometimes don't want to get to know someone who is different than them. But if we set aside our own uncomfortability and get out of our little bubble, who knows, we might make a friend for life.

    Emily- it's called "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.

    -Hannah G

  9. Yeah sometimes it is better to hang out with those outsiders. To be in groups is not cool. I got the outstanding writer award you didn't.

  10. Good blog. I am not really into all that clique stuff either. Cody got the outstanding award though just remember that.


  11. i still am an outsider lol
    great blog


  12. Nice Blog! I'm not a big fan of these cliques you speak of.

  13. I can't even begin to tell you how much I agree with you. I think that if we look at everyone closely, we are all outsiders, each one of us different from the rest of the world. It is a blessing and a curse at the same time... Great blog!

  14. Ya, i definatly do not like groups at all! I'm more of a floater, i just hang with everyone! It's really the best place to be. Great blog Kenzie!!!

