Tuesday, September 22, 2009

To My Gacky:


You truly were my hero, and I can't believe you are gone. It still hasn't hit me yet, that you're gone. The image of the doctor coming into the waiting room and saying, "I'm sorry there's nothing more we can do" just keeps running through my head. I remember every time friends have told me about the death of their grandads, I would say I don't know what I'll ever do without my Gacky; I think I'd die. But now it's actually happened, and I miss you more than ever. I won't ever forget you taking me to "Rockytop" as you called it even though you never wanted to go and you singing and dancing to my music. All the times when I complained about being hungry and you'd drop everything to bring me exactly what I wanted. I'll also never forget all the other memories. You always put others before yourself, and anytime I needed you, you'd be there in a heartbeat. You were everyone's hero; there was no one else in the world like you. You were the greatest person I had ever known, and I can't believe this, it just happened so suddenly. Nothing is ever going to be the same without you, and you'll always have a very special place in my heart, and you won't ever be forgotten. Every time I was upset, you were there to fix it and make it stop, but this time you are not, and that hurts more than anything. You were the only person to ALWAYS be there for me, there wasn't ever a time you weren't. You were more than a Grandad to me, you were like my dad . . . you were my Gacky. I will always love you and always miss you.

R.I.P. Gacky,

I know you are in a better place, but I still want you here with me. :(


  1. Tori,
    I know how much you loved your Gacky. I want you to know all your friends are here for you.

    Love ya,


  2. Tori,
    This is so beautiful. You grandfather sounds like he was a really great person.
    -Hannah G.

  3. Tori,
    I know this has been a really hard year for you and that you loved you Gacky very very much. He was a really sweet person. What you wrote was written really well and I want you to know I'm here for you if you ever need to talk!

  4. Tori,
    I understand how hard it is to lose a grandparent. I lost my papaw when I was only five, so I don't remember much of him, but I was very close to my mamaw Reed when she died. I know how much they mean to us. I'm here for you if you need anything.
    Ashley Reed

  5. Tori, this is very touching and it must have taken alot to get up and read it in front of the class today! Your Gacky sounds like an amazing person and one day you will see each other again!
    i love you Tori and everything is going to be ok!! Trust God with everything. Even when you feel hopeless he is always there and his love never fails!

    ~Kellie Burke

  6. Tori,
    I love that this was your blog. I feel almost envious of you because you got to know your grandfather. One of mine died before my parents were even married and the other pasted when I was about 5. Great Blog and know that God is always right by your side!

  7. He sounds like a great guy.

  8. Tori,
    Im sorry that you lost your Gacky. I dont ever want to imagine losing my grandparents. Im sure that your Gacky is smiling down on you because he knows how much you care for and admire him.


  9. Tori,
    I love that you were so willing to post this. I know it wasn't easy for you. I know exactly how you feel and it's never any fun to revisit those bad memories. But just know you always have the good memories to cherish and be grateful for. And like, TJ said, I know Gacky knows how much you love and miss him and he's sending it right back at ya. I love you and you know I'm always here for you :)


  10. I think everyone has a hero that they hold in high regards. Sounds like he was very deserving.

  11. That must be very hard to lose your grandparent. I think it is very neat you decided to talk about this.

  12. It sounds like you had a great relationship with your grandpa. Just remember all of the great moments.


  13. this is really sweet! love your relationship w/ gacky && showing how close you two were! but, at least he's in a better place!
