Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Watch what we say? It really can be life or death for someone whose life is at rock bottom..... you just didn't know it!!

At South High-"And then I heard the sounds of fish in an aquarium and I knew that though I had tried to drown them with my words that they had only opened up like gills for them and let me in." This sentence struck me as vital in the teenage world. It doesn’t make sense that we as teens use words with utter carelessness, but when things are said to us it is taken to offence so easily. The words we choose to pour out on people really do in a sense drown them!
When you hear a sad story about another person you can sometime feel bad for them but it is always easily overlooked as you go on with your day. When that terrible thing happens to you its like your whole world is crashing on you with no one to save the day. We tend to care so little of other people’s problems just because of the simple fact that is stated so often, “It’s not my problem” or “Thank goodness that wasn’t me”! When will we ever truly make a difference in peoples lives? A better question is when will we stop making others lives worse? That seems like a harsh thing to say but in reality it’s so true! We will never really understand how our words can affect a person’s life! People can say the meanest things or even small things as a joke and never know how terrible that affected the victim of your words.
I wish so badly that we all could understand the tremendous effect words have! Words can last a life time and never leave the mind of a hurting human being. One word as simple as, for example, “blob” , like the story Mrs. C told us, can be the breaking point of someone whose life seems like a nightmare. It’s a terrible thing to wake up with the damage another person has put on you and you absolutely can not seem to make it go away.
We in America always want to be the heroes, always saving the day and making a difference. The difference that should be focused more on is fixing what is already broken. This world is filled with people who have had enough hurt! So instead of drowning them with more despair we need to help mend the damage that has been created in their life.


  1. Kellie,
    I have heard people say that a certain person doesn like them and the dont know why. Maybe they should read this and figure it out. All it takes is one statement to ruin someone. There have been suicide cases just because someone said something mean to a kid. Can you imagine being the kid that made them feel bad. I do not think anybody else would have thought of this poetry response the way my girl did haha :)
    Love You,

  2. oops i forgot to put my name on this... everyone this is KELLIES!

    Awww thank you for the sweet comment darlin!! I love you to!!.... that was to TJ ROBERTS

  3. Kellie,

    Wow. That is so amazing true. I hate the fact that I or everyone else doesn't think about what we say before we say it. Our words really do impact the people around us. Thanks for this.


  4. Kellie,
    You knocked it out of the park with this one. You got it all right. We might not think about what we say at the time, but it still hurts no matter what. Great Job!!

  5. Kellie,
    I so totally agree with every word you say. I've been on both sides of the situation and both sides aren't very pleasant.
    It says in Psalm 139:4 that "You are aware of all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue, You know about it, Lord."
    Can you imagine all the negative things humans say to one another? I'm sure that if we always remembered how God knows what we say before we say it, our words would definitely be different. Thanks for the blog. I REALLY needed to hear this.
    -Hannah G.

  6. Kellie! Great blog, girl! This is definitely another one of those things that we often don't think about and we really should. Thanks for the reminder :)

    Oh and, I really liked the verse Hannah left in her comment. That's so true and I usually don't think about the fact that God already knows what I'm going to say before I say it. How amazing!

    Anyways, love you Kellie! :)

  7. SOOO true kellie teens don't think before we speak and hurtful words and careless words come out. If we just thought about what we say and how that would affect the other person how different life would be.

    Great thinking behind your writting :)

  8. that is so true. we must watch what we say to others because it can really offend them.

  9. I agree with cody!
    -Devin Liles-

  10. Kellie,
    What you said is so true! People definitely do no thank about what they say and it can be hurtful too! Good blog!

  11. You know, this morning I said something mean to my sister. I say it all of the time because i get angry or frustrated with her. I should really learn to think before I speak instead of speaking out of anger. Thanks.

  12. You make a great point. That is so true. I know that I do not always think before I speak and I hope that this will help me remember.


  13. kellie i love the honesty of this! thanks for pointing something out that many are purposly blind to see

  14. this was so good kellie! and very, very true. people don't want people to make fun of them, but everybody doesn't care when it comes to making fun of others.
