Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am one of those people that likes to be spontaneous and out of routine.
I like to try new things and experience stuff most would think is crazy.
I have a huge list of things I want to do before I die like skydiving, saving someone's life, and riding as many rollercoasters as possible.

I'm always going to say something stupid! That's just who I am as a person.
It's embarrassing at first, but I learn to look back and laugh at it, because I love to laugh and laughing is just a part of who I am.

Here are some fun facts for you that I thought was cool. I take fun very seriously.

-Laughing actually relieves stress and increases endorphines, which help prevent depression.
-Laughing is a great work out for your body.
-Laughing increases heart rates and allows you to breathe deeper.
-Laughter reduces pain.
-Laughter can help fight infections.
-Laughing 15 min a day can help you lose weight.
-Having a pleasant, enjoyable conversation while eating a meal helps with digestion.
-Singing out loud also relieves stress and adds years to your life.
-Your face has over 40 muscles. When you smile, it gives your muscles a work out and prevents wrinkles in later years.
-Smiling is an act we are naturally born knowing how to do.
-Women smile more than men.
-There are 18 different kinds of smiles.
-Newborns prefer to see people who smile rather than non-smiling people.
-Gelotologist is someone who studies smiles.
-People can tell a real smile from a fake smile by their eyes.
-Laughing for one hour can burn 500 calories.
-A good mood has a distinct smell.
-Denmark is the happiest nation in the world.
-Dancing helps increase happiness, followed by sports and music.
-Children cuddled more are typically happier.
-Smiling is a universal language.

I hope you enjoyed those fun facts and maybe you can apply them to your own life!

- Aalia


  1. Aalia,

    I really liked the fun with which you approached this first entry. I actually smiled at the end of it, which I believe was partly the goal of the piece. Good first go at this!

    Mrs. C

  2. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile

  3. Aalia,
    I really liked what you had to say, especially the fun facts! Thay made me smile. :)

  4. Aalia,
    I did not know that when you are happy, you have a certain smell. Hopefully its a good one.

  5. I love this Aalia !
    it makes me want to be happier ! And puts a smile on my face ... perfect subject to write about

    -Hannah S

  6. i absolutly love what you wrote!! It's very positive and uplifting! More people should try having this kind of attitude!


  7. I thought it was really great how honest you are. Not very many people are like that. (:

  8. You have an amazing attitude. In the years that I have known you, you have always been this happy and joyful to be around. Most people are so cynical, so it is nice to hear a good attitude from someone. Keep it up!!!
    - Ashley

  9. I did not know that singing adds years to your life. I am going to start singing all the time in class thanks to your inspirational blog!

  10. those are some awesome facts!!!!!!!

  11. I never knew that laughing can help you lose weight. Those are good tips for happiness!


  12. Aalia,
    i loved this :)
    i've been having a pretty bad week and this brought a big smile to my face.


  13. apparently i dont laugh enough then...really good Aalia

